The fearless Co-leaders, Linda and Laura, just about to depart from Neenah yesterday...they left at 1 and arrived at 1am in Arkansas. Long day!
Well they made it here! We were so happy to welcome our new 24 canine friends to my home this early morning...quite a big group of our volunteers showed up - thank you to all of you - and helped get the dogs through the intake process and then comfortable in their crates.
There is a full range of doggie looks and personalities with us - from adorable babies to sweet funny-looking little terrier girls...they all melted our hearts. What a day for a rescue!
They'll stay at my house for now until we can get them all in to the vet to be checked and get any other shots or treatments they may need before going to their new foster homes...and then eventually of course to their new loving forever homes! These dogs will get adopted quckly - they are all so loving and sweet and beautiful. What a wonderful thing for us to be able to rescue them from death row...and take them to new loving homes!
The next morning they met the Marion Shelter ladies and PAWS rescuers and fit as many wonderful dogs as they could into their two vehicles. Now they're safe forever! See pictures form their morning in Marion at the Marion shelter's blog:
Our intake area in my heated garage was all set up and ready for the incoming dogs, with cages and carriers lined up. I also got the fence done, which was the BEST part of it, because we were able to just let them go from in to out to do their doodie, and the dogs just loved the fresh air and running around free!
It was total puppy mayhem!!! So much fun!!!
Ain't nothin' but a puppy party! :)
All the intake was done in my heated garage
This was one of the babies from our litter of 12
Avery the chihuahua hovered by his foster mom most of the night, what a cuddly boy
Jasmine - what a pretty little girl!
Lil Lady....what a hilarious picture! She's such a little sweetheart!
Sophie with that sweet look upon her face...
We'll update with more pics soon. It's 2:30am and time to go to bed! :)
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